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City Seeking Public Input for Parks Master Plan

Seguin, TX, USA / Seguin Today
City Seeking Public Input for Parks Master Plan

(Seguin) — The City of Seguin is looking to residents for help with incorporating their thoughts and ideas about the local park system into a 10-year Parks Master Plan.

Parks and Recreation Director Jack Jones said, “When complete, the plan will provide a vision to guide the future growth, development, operations, and programs of the City’s parks and facilities, recreation and event programs, open spaces, and trail system. Input from our citizens is crucial in helping us create a comprehensive parks master plan that includes the most desired services for our community,” he said.

In June 2019, the Seguin City Council unanimously approved the selection of Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. to develop the Parks, Recreation, Trails and Open Spaces Master Plan Update for the City of Seguin.Stantec staff will work closely with the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, Seguin residents, the Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council during the plan development.

The Master Plan process, which will take 6-9 months, includes meetings with stakeholder groups, interactive public workshops, surveys, online engagement tools, and public presentations.

By participating in an online survey, citizens will have an opportunity to help shape the future of the Seguin’s parks. The survey is available at (copy & paste link into web browser), or use a mobile device to scan a QR Code on the 2019 Parks Master Plan webpage from the City’s website ( to be directed to the survey.

Over the next several months, Stantec staff members will be attending community events to engage with citizens and encourage participation in the survey.

The result will be a Parks Master Plan that establishes a clear direction to guide city staff, advisory committees, and elected officials in their efforts to enhance the city’s parks and recreation services and facilities well into the future.For more information, please visit or call the Parks and Recreation Department at 830-401-2480.