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Customers take part in Applebee’s|IHOP grand opening

Seguin, TX, USA / Seguin Today
Customers take part in Applebee's|IHOP grand opening

Photo by Donna Dodgen

(Seguin) – The grand opening of the nation’s first dual-brand Applebee’s|IHOP restaurant is officially being reported as a success. The long-awaited establishment opened its door to customers on Tuesday morning.

Patrons are said to have enjoyed selecting entrees from either one or both restaurant menus all day. Whether it was omelets and fries or a burger and pancakes, folks took advantage of the various menu items that are now being served all-day from 5 a.m. to 1 a.m.

Even those with small stomachs couldn’t wait to push through the doors with their big appetites.

At least that was the case for Tesia Lowe and her small daughter Makenna. Lowe says operating the two restaurants as one is no doubt a dream come true – a dream that Makenna couldn’t wait to experience.

KWED General Manager Darren Dunn and Sports Director Chris Austin speak to Applebee’s|IHOP Franchise Owner Danny Hakim during Tuesday’s live radio remote outside the newly converted restaurant. Hakim, who already owned the original IHOP restaurant, shared how excited he was to select Seguin for this first ever dual brand establishment. Hakim and his family who live in San Antonio own and operate most if not all IHOPs and Applebee’s in the San Antonio area.

“She’s ready for it. She’s been waiting. As soon as she saw these signs come up, she was ready for it. She has bugged every single time and as soon as there were cars working on it, she’s like ‘they are open already, let’s go’ and I’m like, they are not. They are construction workers like daddy. They are working (on it),” said Lowe.

Now while the food is Makenna’s favorite, it is the convenience of this new establishment in Seguin that makes Lowe one happy momma.

“We usually go to New Braunfels because she goes to dance. So, on Fridays, we will go back and forth between IHOP and Applebee’s but now, we have one here,” said Lowe.

Tuesday’s grand opening included influencers who came out and in some cases flew out to try this first-of-its-kind restaurant. Local leaders along with the Seguin High School Marching Band were also all part of the morning celebration. Seguin Radio KWED was also on hand marking the occasion with listeners giving them the details of this new dining experience during a live broadcast remote.

The fully converted restaurant sits at the original IHOP location at 2777 State Highway 123 Bypass.