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Seguin invited to show school spirit during tonight’s Community Pep Rally

Seguin, TX, USA / Seguin Today
Seguin invited to show school spirit during tonight's Community Pep Rally

(Seguin) – Seguin High School is calling on all Matadors to show their school spirit. Tonight marks the annual Homecoming Community Pep Rally at Matador Stadium.

SHS Student Council Advisor Heather Brown says this year’s Homecoming celebration began on Monday and observes more than just Matador pride.

“The actual theme of the week is Hispanic Heritage. We wanted to partner with Hispanic Heritage Month. This is the first week of that and so on campus, it is reflective for us.

‘Our first Spirit Day was Monday, and we had a lot of students come and wear their quine(nera) dresses on campus. It was awesome to see so many big, beautiful dresses on campus. I don’t know how they fit in the desk. Not my problem,” laughs Brown. “It was really neat to see the girls come out, full out and celebrate their heritage.”

This year’s theme, of course, will be rolled out onto the football field during tonight’s pep rally. Brown says the students have planned some great performances.

“With our Community Pep Rally, we are featuring our Mariachi Matador, and they are going to be playing by themselves and for Grupo Folklorico De Seguin High School – our ballet folklorico group here on campus and then, two of the performances by our Star Line and dance team are both to Hispanic music so we are really just trying to celebrate our heritage here on campus,” said Brown.

All other SHS teams, groups, and activities will also be represented tonight. Brown says Homecoming is more than just football.

“In between that will also be the percussion, the band and other groups to talk about – like other athletics – to talk about what they are doing also in their school year – in their competitive season as well. So, it’s not just for the football team. It’s for all athletics and all of the activities that we have here on campus. So, we really try to celebrate everybody,” said Brown.

Brown says that one of the big draws for the Homecoming Pep Rally is the annual Mini Mats performance. She says the program is designed to showcase and celebrate all students.

“They had their practice this last weekend with the high school cheerleaders teaching three different groups of Mini Mats so we had the little little guys and then we had the elementary age students and then the middle school age students that will be performing throughout the pep rally,” said Brown.

Brown says she hopes folks will come out and enjoy the pep rally. She says no matter whether you are alumni or have kids in the district, the pep rally is just one more way to celebrate the community.

“It’s really important that we do have cohesiveness between our community and the high school. So much division already exists out there. It’s time to come together and celebrate and lift each other up no matter what it is – if it’s the football team, the volleyball team, the band, the cheerleaders, the dancers – anybody that performs. Just come out and see all that we have to offer at the high school and just come and support the kids because that’s what we are here for. We are here for the kids,” said Brown.

Tonight’s SHS Community Pep Rally will also unveil the winners of the Homecoming Court for all freshman, sophomore, and junior students. The announcement of this year’s Homecoming King and Queen will be announced at 6:30 p.m. Friday. The names will be announced before the Matadors’ 7 p.m. kickoff against Victoria East.

The 2024 Homecoming Spirit can also be seen beyond the walls of Seguin High School.

That’s because many businesses offered students the opportunity to show their school spirit with the tradition of Paint the Town Gold. Various school clubs spent their time painting windows and decorating storefronts in preparation for this week’s Homecoming celebration.

Today’s Community Pep Rally gets underway at 7 p.m. at Matador Stadium. SHS Homecoming events continue Saturday with this year’s Homecoming school dance at 7 p.m.