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City of Seguin master planned community on the horizon

Seguin, TX, USA / Seguin Today
City of Seguin master planned community on the horizon


(Seguin) — A big master planned community is moving forward in the city of Seguin.  The Seguin City Council recently approved a plan for the project, which is slated to be built on property located off Rudeloff Road near the Fields at Huber Ranch.

Planning Director Pam Centeno says this project offers new housing, commercial and green spaces in that area.

“The property located at the northeast corner of Rudeloff and Huber Road is just over 400 acres. The proposed mixed use development consist mostly of single family residential housing with a variety of lot sizes ranging from 40 feet to 70 feet. The plan also includes a network of open spaces with parks and green lands and a few commercial neighborhood lots,” said Centeno.

The project has been in the works for some time. Former Seguin City Manager Doug Faseler has been working with the developer, Bitterblue Group, on this project. Faseler says this will be a quality development for the city of Seguin, and it will also help the city address some of its additional needs, like the creation of a new fire station in that part of town.

“It’s approximately 1,100 residential lots and as Pam brought out, it’s a wide range of a lot of widths and sizes with a lot of green space and a lot of drainage area to take into consideration and we are investigating a fire station site and park facilities,” said Faseler. 

Current City Manager Steve Parker says he’s excited about this development, and the partnership with Bitterblue, who he says has a great reputation for building high quality developments. He says this project also aligns well with some additional needs within the community.

“Almost a year and half ago, we put some new tools in our toolbox related to public improvement districts that would give the city the ability to kind of negotiate these higher end developments and get more master plan communities because at the end of the day, there’s just limited resources. These are very expensive projects. We are looking at Huber extensions and Rudeloff — those become very expensive for the developer but if the city can participate with a public improvement district and be able to negotiate higher end monuments signs, park facilities — I mean, we are talking things like a new splash pad — all of those types of amenities that we just don’t have on the north side of I-10. It just makes a lot of sense to participate and partner with a quality developer and I think that’s the key here and I think that we all feel and trust Bitterblue as a quality developer and you can look at any of his projects in San Antonio and I think you would be very impressed of what he brings to the table and they have been excellent to negotiate with. We keep asking for more and more so it’s a great negotiation but we are very open and honest and I think we are getting very close to being able to bring back a full plan to you of what that public improvement district would mean to the city,” said Parker.

The council unanimously approved the plan for the project, and Faseler says the developer is excited to move forward with its plans for this master planned community in Seguin.