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Legislative session opens with large budget surplus

Seguin, TX, USA / Seguin Today
Legislative session opens with large budget surplus

(Austin)  — Texas lawmakers are officially back on the job. The new legislative session got started yesterday in Austin.  The lawmakers arrived at work and found themselves sitting on a mountain of cash. The state is enjoying a massive budget surplus this year. 

It’s good news, but State Comptroller Glenn Hegar is warning lawmakers not to get carried away with their spending plans.

“The state must be careful in its spending to ensure we don’t face ongoing costs when this surplus is a memory,” said Hegar. 

Lawmakers are consitutionally bound to come up with the state’s budget for the next two years. Hegar says there’s a lot for them to consider, but he warned them to show some restraint and to spend the cash responsibly. 

“We are unlikely to have an opportunity like this again. This budgeting session is truly a once in a lifetime session,” said Hegar. 

In providing details about the large surplus, Hegar told lawmakers that they should make sure the money thoughtfully, and focus on those things that are needed most in the state. 

“Thoughtful options might include investment in our electrical grid, (and) salary adjustments for state employees (and) our teachers and nurses,” said Hegar. 

Texas is projected to have a 32-billion dollar budget surplus this legislative session.  That’s larger than the entire budget of Alabama.