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St. James Fall Festival to return to church grounds

Seguin, TX, USA / Seguin Today
St. James Fall Festival to return to church grounds

Two-day festival to include auction, meal, games, petting zoo plus car show

(Seguin) – A local church is doing something a bit different this year. It’s bringing back its annual Fall Festival to the church grounds. For years, St. James Catholic Church has held its annual two-day festival at the Seguin Coliseum. This weekend, however, it will offer all the traditional food, fun and carnival games at the parish.

Festival Committee Member Linda Kay says the church is excited about returning the event back on church property.

“There are several different things that made that happen. Times are tighter everywhere and so for us, we really wanted to go back being on the church grounds which makes it more personal — we are at our home and finances right now, everybody is suffering and that is something we are struggling with at the church — trying to get everyone back to church, coming in person. Everybody got very used to watching it on TV,” said Kay.

Kay says events will be split into two full days. On Saturday, she says the festival will feature the return of the Annual Classic Car, Truck & Bike Show.

“On Saturday, we are going to start off with our car show and our car show will be from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. We are hoping to have as many or more than what we had last year. Last year, we had about 55 cars or so. We will have a few food booths there. I think we are going to have hamburgers, hot dogs, nachos, Frito pies (and) we may do the funnel cakes also that day and later in the evening about 7:10, we are going to have Adoration Under the Stars. That’s something new that we are going to do. You bring your lawn chairs and come and sit out under the stars. That’s another thing about having it on the church grounds,” said Kay.

On Sunday, Kay says the Seguin community is encouraged to return to the church grounds for another full day of activities.

“Sunday, we will start out with our meal. We serve from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. On site, we will have (live band) Gacho Sol from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and then Clint Taft and the Buck Wild Band will be from 2 to 5:30 p.m. and then in between all that, we have a DJ. His name is Marcos Demel. He is fantastic. He is one of our church members. The live auction will start at 1 p.m. and then the silent auction will be going the whole time. You can go in and look and bid. We will have games, rides, petting zoo and food booths and we will have a cake wheel, desserts, and things like that,” said Kay.

Kay says several great prizes are also up for grabs in this year’s live and silent auction. She says The Brew Crew, a collective group of men church members, has yet again hand crafted its own contribution to the live auction.

“They have built not a gazebo, but I guess you can call it a gazebo and it has a swing. It has a set bench and it’s got a fan and lighting. It’s really really nice and it will be in the live auction,” said Kay.

The church will also be hosting its annual raffle. Tickets for the raffle are being sold by church members. Kay says 37 money prizes totaling $5,775 are being raffled off. Cost is $2 a ticket. Raffle tickets will be sold until 3 p.m. Sunday with prizes being announced at 5 p.m.

Serving for Saturday’s pork steak dinner will be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. A drive-thru and onsite seating will be available. The meal includes pork steak, green beans, coleslaw, and potato salad. Cost is $10 a plate. Those wishing to purchase raffle or dinner tickets may call the church office at 830-379-1796 or stop by the church at 510 S. Camp St.

Those wishing to enter the 5th Annual Classic Car, Truck & Bike Show are asked to pre-register on Saturday between 9 and 11 a.m. The car show will run until 2 p.m. Saturday in the St. James Church parking lot. Entry fee is $25. All proceeds from the car show will go to the St. James Catholic School.