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Antique tractor pull to hit the ground running this Saturday

Seguin, TX, USA / Seguin Today
Antique tractor pull to hit the ground running this Saturday

(Seguin) – Engines will be revving up for this weekend’s 2022 Antique Tractor Pull being hosted at the Texas Agricultural Education and Heritage Center, a.k.a. The Big Red Barn.

Big Red Barn member Kay Willmann says the group is not only looking forward to good weather but it is also looking forward to welcoming a good number of new and returning participants.

“A tractor has to be in a model year 1960 or older and there are three different divisors of tractors. There is one called a farm stock division, and this is a tractor that has no modifications whatsoever. It is completely stocked from the factory and then there is another one called farm stock II and it has minimal modifications. They can do some engine modifications, some of the electrical coils and a farm stock III tractor is an old tractor that it can get very very interesting because they can make big modifications even to the point of using airplane pistons but a tractor puller, they really just need to come on out here around I think 8 o’clock, 8:30 in the morning and sign up. The more the merrier. We end up with 60 to 80 tractors participating and these guys are collectors. They are tractor enthusiasts. It’s a hobby for them,” said Willmann.

Willmann says in addition to the tractor pull, there will be plenty of other events and activities to keep people busy.

“Along with the tractor pull, we will have arts and crafts vendors and some farmers inside of the pecan museum. The equipment museum will be open as well so people can come and look at our antique farm equipment and the Charlie Koehler Tool Collection if they like. We will have a barbecue vendor here and what’s cool about this guy is he has a barbecue pit built into a Farmall antique tractor. It’s worth just coming to look at that and the Master Gardeners will be selling plants over in the garden area of the Big Red Barn property,” said Willmann.

Willmann says the Big Red Barn is appreciative for the fundraiser and all those who help make it happen.

“This is a fundraiser for the Big Red Barn and these guys do all the work. I don’t have to do a lot at all. They do all the work. It’s Tarryn Dean and his family and his friends and there are several local companies that allow them to use equipment, so we won’t have to pay for that. They volunteer their equipment – Blake Bertling Equipment and Rentals,  and lights from NAPA Auto parts and they have just been so thankful. This family, they do all the work. They are just wonderful people,” said Willmann.

Willmann especially encourages the Seguin and surrounding community to come out and cheer on one of the tractors. She says participants come from all over making it a good experience for first-time fans.

“They try to get started around 10 o’clock. The first thing we do is honor our colors with the Star-Spangled Banner and they pull the flags down on the poling strip. The public is invited. There is no fee to come and watch. You just show up. Bring a lawn chair so you can be comfortable,” said Willmann.

The tractor pull begins at 10 a.m. Saturday at the Big Red Barn. The barn is located at 390 Cordova Road.