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Individuals encouraged to take care of outstanding warrants as soon as possible

Seguin, TX, USA / Seguin Today
Individuals encouraged to take care of outstanding warrants as soon as possible

Seguin Municipal Court to participate in Warrant Resolution Campaign

(Seguin) – Have a warrant? The city of Seguin is doing its part to help you avoid arrest by resolving that lingering warrant as soon as possible. The city’s Municipal Court is participating in a statewide Warrant Resolution Campaign in conjunction with numerous other Texas law enforcement agencies and courts.

Beginning March 20, agencies will be stepping up efforts to actively resolve outstanding cases. Now although the campaign starts in two weeks, Warrant Officer David Aguilar says individuals can begin clearing up their name today.

“It’s just giving the defendant’s the opportunity to resolve any outstanding judgements or warrants that they may have with the municipalities and come up with payment plans, community service or whatever they may be eligible for to get these warrants resolved,” said Aguilar.

The campaign is designed to target thousands of defendants with outstanding cases in participating jurisdictions including numerous county, justices of the peace and municipal courts. Under Texas Law, individuals appearing before a court and making a good faith effort to resolve outstanding Class C cases are afforded safe harbor and not subject to arrest.

Aguilar says to begin, individuals will want to find out, first of all, if their name needs to be cleared.

“Some people are hesitant to call or even come by thinking that once they show up, they will be arrested. So, if they are assuming that they may have an outstanding warrant from this municipality – with the city of Seguin, they can go on the city of Seguin website and then go to the municipal court area. There will be a link or button where they can push where it says, ‘pay now’ and it will walk them through the ability to look their information up and see if they have any outstanding warrants or judgements with the city of Seguin. They are able to contact the municipal court at 830-401-2325, provide their information and as long as we are able to verify who we are talking to, we can let them know whether or not there is an outstanding warrant with them,” said Aguilar.

Additionally, court officials say if a judgment is rendered against an individual who is unable to pay the judgment, the individual may request a judge to assess their ability to pay and offer alternative means to satisfy the judgment.

Aguilar says finding a solution for everyone is the court’s bottom goal.

“The only thing I want people to know is that the city of Seguin is not out trying to throw everybody in jail who has an outstanding warrant for traffic violations or what not. We just want to help resolve the situation as quickly as possible for everybody and we are understanding of what needs to be done. Times have been tough with COVID and everything now and just trying to find a solution that works best whether it’s getting them in front of a judge or doing a payment plan, our ultimate goal is to just get rid of that warrant and get it off our list because if you can imagine, we have quite a list,” said Aguilar.

Individuals suspecting a warrant with other entities will also want to contact those respective agencies for guidance.

Again, to verify whether you have a warrant with the city of Seguin, visit the city’s website at Be sure to click Municipal Court under the tab for “departments.” Individuals may also seek the information by calling 830-401-2325.