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Seguin officially launches annual Shop Local, Shop Seguin campaign

Seguin, TX, USA / Seguin Today
Seguin officially launches annual Shop Local, Shop Seguin campaign

(Seguin) – Tis the season to Shop Local, Shop Seguin! Local businesses gathered recently to remind customers of keeping their dollars local by shopping the many stores in town. The gathering in Central Park was part of the community’s Shop Local, Shop Seguin Campaign which is launched this time every year. As customers begin to think about those holiday gifts, the slogan is designed to help shoppers find what they need in Seguin before heading elsewhere.

Among those advocating local and small business was Luis Ramirez, the president of the Seguin-Guadalupe County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. Ramirez says supporting our friends, family and neighbors should be a first consideration.

“I want to say the most important thing about this campaign (is) what do small businesses do? They hire people, they pay taxes, and they keep our city beautiful and are welcoming to tourism and are people who went to Seguin(school). We want to help our tax base. We want to help our school district, and why go for something in San Antonio and Austin that is here in Seguin, and you are helping your own community by buying here in Seguin, locally, and that’s the main emphasis behind Shop Local, Shop Seguin and we’ve been doing it for over 30 years I think,” said Ramirez. 

Others publicly shopping their support for the ringing of local registers are the Seguin Main Street, Seguin Economic Development Corporation, and the Downtown Business Alliance.

Also, representing businesses was Lea Phelps, the chairman of the Seguin Area Chamber of Commerce. Phelps says with the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, local businesses need customers more than ever.

“We have a lot of interesting and a lot of unique shops here in Seguin. A lot of local businesses have made it a point to come to Seguin to support their families and when we shop local and when we shop small here in Seguin – not only are we supporting the  businesses, we are supporting the businesses’ families and in this time, when things have been so rough for so many businesses and so many businesses have taken a hit with their loss of business during the pandemic, it is more important now than ever to concentrate on our efforts on helping the small businesses here in Seguin and other small towns where people live,” said Phelps.

More importantly, she says shopping local creates a unique investment in the relationship between the owner and the customer.

“But I think in Seguin it really is important for us because we have so many great little shops, interesting boutiques – places where people can go, and they know each other. They go into the stores and people call them by name and you just don’t get that in big cities and in big stores. So not only are you shopping at home. You are shopping with family,” said Phelps.

In addition to encouraging residents to Shop Local, Shop Seguin, individuals are also asked to Shop Small. Shop Small Saturday is scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 27. Businesses wishing to decorate their storefronts with Shop Seguin signage are asked to stop by one of the chamber offices.