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Governor provides more input on opening Texas schools

Seguin, TX, USA / Seguin Today

Governor provides more input on opening Texas schools

(San Antonio) — Texas Governor Greg Abbott is promising school districts that they will have plenty of flexibility for the upcoming school year. The governor says the top priority is to make sure teachers, staff, students, and parents are kept safe from COVID-19.  Abbott told reporters in San Antonio on Tuesday that local school districts can base their decisions on advice from local public health authorities. He again stressed that districts can do eight weeks of online-only education before seeking a waiver from the Texas Education Agency for more time.  

Abbott also promised all schools would have plenty of personal protection equipment (PPE) for the upcoming school year. The Governor noted that the state will continue to purchase and distribute PPE to schools at no cost to the school districts.

“Health and safety remain our top priority as we approach the upcoming school year,” said Governor Abbott. “To meet that priority, the State of Texas is purchasing and distributing vast amounts of PPE to Texas school districts. As local school boards make determinations on how and when they choose to open schools, the state is working to help ensure that there will be a strong supply of PPE waiting for them to keep students, teachers, and staff safe.”

According to the governor’s office, the state has already distributed thousands of PPEs to districts across the state, including 59,410,640 masks; 567,948 gallons of hand sanitizer; 24,017 thermometers; and 511,294 face shields.