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Christian Cupboard working to keep families fed

Seguin, TX, USA / Seguin Today
Christian Cupboard working to keep families fed

The COVID-19 pandemic is not stopping the employees from Century 21 United D&D Real Estate from collecting and donating food to the Christian Cupboard. The employees in just over nine days, raised over $1,000 in monetary donations plus 110 pounds of food for the local non-profit. Those wishing to donate are asked to drop off donations on the front porch of the local business located at 1498 E. Court St. The need for donations continues as more and more families continue to seek assistance during these trying times.

(Seguin) – Seguin’s local food pantry is reminding families that its doors are still open.
Regina Lee, the executive director for the Christian Cupboard, says she is sending the message after the food pantry shut down its doors for a week in late March. Despite having closed for that week, Lee says the cupboard wants families to know that they are not only open but have implemented all safety procedures to keep them safe.
“I want people to realize that we were closed for one week because we could not get food from the food bank. We are back in operation. We are open Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. So, we are back in operational procedures. We are handling it a little different, social distancing. We are not having clients come inside the building, but we are giving food. Same operational hours 9 to 11:30 a.m.,” said Lee.
Lee says making sure food gets into the hands of those who need it has always been a priority for the local non-profit. She says feeding families was the priority for the group before the COVID-19 pandemic and it will continue to be the focus even during these trying times.
“You know what, we ask for photo ID, but the obvious thing is we want to feed people. So, tell them to come by and tell us who they are and their family. We can actually do actual intake paperwork maybe the next time they may need to come but we can get the basic information from them and we definitely want them to come,” said Lee.
Lee says the food pantry is especially ready to serve those who now find themselves needing a little assistance. Also, thanks to the community’s response, Lee says that assistance is now more than available.
“The donation part is wonderful. I had 47 messages a (few days) ago, and 30 of them from people who were donating food. It’s astronomical. It’s really great. It’s like December. Christmas in April,” said Lee.
Both monetary and non-perishable food items are accepted every day. A donation drop-off box is available 24/7 and is located on the building’s north side. In addition to food, the cupboard is currently also in need of egg cartons to help distribute the eggs to families. The Christian Cupboard is located at 516 N. Camp St.