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New Guadalupe County Elections Office nears completion

Seguin, TX, USA / Seguin Today
New Guadalupe County Elections Office nears completion

County officials receive construction, renovation update

(Seguin) — The Guadalupe County Elections Office will soon move into its new and improved home on State Highway 123 North. 

The county first purchased the land and building in 2022. The building located at 3251 State Highway 123 North originally served as the former USDA offices.

The building has been under construction and renovation by the Koehler Company and Level 5 Architecture.

Justin Gilmore, of Level 5 Architecture, provided an update during a recent meeting of the Guadalupe County Commissioners Court.

“A quick overview of the layout of the site itself — the yellow building itself is the existing — what we call the USDA building many moons ago. That’s the building that we are currently remodeling — the interior space and then putting a new skin on the exterior of the building. The red building just to the north of that is the new warehouse building which will be primarily just storage for elections equipment and then everything in the blue is all new paving that we are actually putting down for the new what we call our private and secure parking lot. That will be an entire fenced parking lot for staff and personnel associated with this facility and then, of course, the existing parking lot off to the left there is going to remain as it is,” said Gilmore.

Much of the work right now is being concentrated on the construction of a new warehouse.

Gilmore says a punch list for all other projects is either near completion or ready to go.

“The bottom middle, you will see the new warehouse building that is currently being erected if you drive by right now. They are currently working on that so that is really exciting to see that. The concrete foundation has been poured, and the middle building is currently being erected. Other than that, really, the primary work that is happening right now is all on site with all of the concrete, curb and gutters being installed – all of the paving coming in fresh after that. The site utilities have all been laid, all of the conduit has been trenched, and they are also currently working on the sanitary sewer line extension that we had to do to tap into the new sanitary mains for the city of Seguin,” said Gilmore.

Gilmore says he is thankful that the project has remained on schedule and looks forward to being able to turn over the building to staff in June.

“Actual construction started on this project Oct. 15, 2024. As of today, they are 69 percent of the way through with construction completion with an estimated May 20th construction completion. Now after May 20th, we still have some work to do to come in and what we do from a punch list with our fine tooth comb and our blue tape everywhere – we come through there and do our final inspection on that and give the contractor some time and ability after that to complete those little punch list items and then we are ready to move into this facility. Inside the existing building, the 82 percent is being shown right there. I think they are a little bit ahead of that. They are really doing trim out. All the tile work has been done in the bathrooms. Plumbing fixtures are being set so making great progress on that and then the storage facility itself. That’s the last piece that will be completed on this project with an estimated completion date of May 20th,” said Gilmore.

For years, the current elections office has operated at its current site at 215 S. Milam Street.

Although the current elections office is located just a couple of blocks away from the Guadalupe County Courthouse, County Judge Kyle Kutscher at the time of the purchase stated that he believed it was a very responsible move. The 7,800 square foot facility that sits on three acres was purchased for $2.15 million.

County officials the demands of a growing county called for the larger space not only for employees but for voters.

The relocation of the elections office to this space is also expected to enhance voter participation with what officials say is a prime location just north of intersection of Interstate 10 and State Highway 123 Bypass.