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Navarro ISD voters say yes to $120 million bond election

Seguin, TX, USA / Seguin Today
Navarro ISD voters say yes to $120 million bond election

New stadium, athletic facilities plus elementary school on its way

(Geronimo) — Voters in the Navarro ISD have said “yes” to the largest bond election in the district’s history. Voters during the Saturday, May 4 Election agreed to Propositions A, B and C totaling $120 million.

Navarro ISD Superintendent Mandy Epley says the voter support throughout this election has been tremendous. She says she each winning proposition led with great margin.

“I am extremely thrilled and grateful that our taxpayers came out and participated in the voting — to have them share their thoughts of support after such a great group of folks came out — students, parents, community members, teachers and staff. To come up with a plan to address our growing community and to see their recommendations be accepted by our incredibly supportive board who then called this bond and to know that our community is standing together in that support of that plan is just tremendous and it’s a positive step forward for a community that is growing our students, growing our district and growing as a thriving community here in Geronimo and Seguin,” said Epley.

Included in Proposition A was $73.7 million for a new elementary campus along with a refresh of the existing elementary and intermediate schools plus drives and parking and a chiller replacement at the existing high school.

A total of 598 (70 percent) votes were cast in favor of Proposition A while 261 (30 percent) votes were cast against it.

Epley says the results illustrate the public’s understanding of the district’s growing pains. She says the approval of Prop A was vital to creating more elbow room in the classroom and says the district is expected to hit capacity with its current elementary and intermediate schools during the Fall 2026 and Fall 2027 school years.

“It is a huge demonstration of faith that our community members and taxpayers have in us to really grow our facilities, to support those students and families that are coming and to know that we will have those resources to be able to expand our facilities, to start moving from –

portables to actually existing structures that can continue to support the community as it grows. (It) is just really exciting and we are thrilled to have that trust and faith and we plan on being transparent and continuing to communicate about the progress about these projects,” said Epley.

Navarro High School will also welcome a brand new athletic stadium thanks to the approval of Proposition B in the amount of $35.5 million. The package calls for a 7,000 seat football stadium with track and field facilities plus concessions, restrooms and field house.

A total of 512 (60 percent) votes were cast in favor of Prop B while 346 (40 percent) votes were cast against it.

Epley says the new stadium was crucial in finalizing the outfit for the new high school campus being built across the street. She says current plans did not include any on-site stadium.

“The community could see the distance between our new high school and our current athletic facilities. I think the community also knows as we grow how important it is to invest in projects that connect kids, that get kids to be a part of activities. I think certainly sharing our athletic plan that building a new athletic complex would allow us to expand our junior high athletic program was a benefit for all students. So, I’m just excited to see that we will be able to add the stadium to accommodate the growth and to support those athletic programs like our newest program that we will start next year soccer and football and track,” said Epley.

Additional athletic facilities will also be included in the plans at the new high school thanks to voter support over the weekend,.

Proposition C totaling $10.8 million includes new baseball and softball turf fields along with tennis courts, restrooms and concessions.

A total of 518 (60 percent) votes were cast in favor of Prop C while 340 votes (40 percent) were against it.

Epley adds that all existing athletic facilities will remain in use.  Plus, she says the upgrades will help in the continued success of all programs.

“Two days ago, we had a baseball game on a very wet and muddy field and today, we played a third game at a host site that was turf and I just think that having that opportunity for our kids is tremendous and I’m just so grateful that our community and taxpayers were able to see that and support that for our kids,” said Epley.

Now that they have locked in voter support, Epley says the district expects to hit the ground running. She says it is their plan to see the athletic facilities finalized around the time that they do open the new high school. She says the district will also be busy connecting with architects and engineers for the construction of the new elementary school campus.