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KWED/SDN creates first ever community Non-Profit Guidebook

Seguin, TX, USA / Seguin Today
KWED/SDN creates first ever community Non-Profit Guidebook

New community resource guide now available for people seeking service, support for local non-profits

(Seguin) — Local non-profit groups are getting another assist in their efforts to better connect with the community. The inaugural Non-Profit Expo was held Wednesday night in the Seguin Coliseum. And today, the first ever Seguin-Guadalupe County Non-Profit Guidebook officially becomes available to the community.

The guidebook was put together by KWED and the Seguin Daily News. General Manager Darren Dunn says this is a new resource for the entire community.

“This nonprofit guidebook is a way for the community to understand exactly what’s available here locally. There are so many charitable organizations that are doing such fine work that really provide crisis services — they provide services to enhance the quality of life and really try to fulfill the needs of the people in this community and so we needed a resource. It wasn’t available. We needed a resource that would allow people to get connected to those services and also a resource that would allow people to find volunteer opportunities so that they can show more love and support to some of these organizations,” said Dunn. “It’s no accident that the guidebook was released in time for Wednesday’s Non-Profit Expo, hosted by the Guadalupe County Fair Association.

Dunn says they wanted to brighten the spotlight that was being shined on charities that are working hard each day to take care of this community.” 

It’s no accident that the guidebook was released in time for Wednesday’s Non-Profit Expo, hosted by the Guadalupe County Fair Association. Dunn says they wanted to brighten the spotlight that was being shined on charities that are working hard each day to take care of this community.

“I want to tip my hat to Gail Damerau from the fair association board of directors. She was the guiding force to help the fair association come up with this idea for the nonprofit expo that was held on Wednesday night. But that expo really opened up an opportunity for us to all be better connected to some of these organizations that are doing the hardwork each and every day. We count on these organizations to provide these services to the people in this community. We count on them to be there when there is a need in this community and they are stepping up all the time to do that. So, this was just a better way for us to say we see what is happening with the nonprofit expo, how can we better enhance that to make more people aware about this important work that is being done and also to help them to understand how we can have a lasting impact on that work. You can volunteer. You can give. You can leave donations that exist even after you are gone so this nonprofit guide book hopefully helps to shine a bigger spotlight on all of those efforts,” said Dunn.

Dunn says a lot of hard work went into the Non-Profit Guidebook, but he says it was a labor of love. He says it’s another way for the radio station to help keep the community informed and connected.

“KWED exist for one reason and that is to work in service to this community. We want people to know what’s happening in this town. We want people to know that there are neighbors helping neighbors. We want people to know that there are charities that exist within this community and even some outside of this community that bring their services and attention to Seguin and Guadalupe County. You need to know what is out there because when help is needed, we want to make sure you are able to get exactly what you need in those situations. We want to make sure that if you are in a crisis, there is support for you. We want you to know that if you are looking to improve the quality of life, there are plenty of organizations that are working to do that as well. This is just another way for us to make sure we are taking care of this community in the best way possible,” said Dunn.

The 2024 Seguin-Guadalupe County Non-Profit Guidebook can be picked up here at KWED, located at 609 E. Court St. in Seguin. They can also be obtained from non-profit groups all over town, or you can access digital copies of the community resource by visiting