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Guadalupe County celebrates Food Connection Day

Seguin, TX, USA / Seguin Today
Guadalupe County celebrates Food Connection Day

Farm Bureau to serve $1 burgers today

(Seguin) — Local farmers and ranchers remind us how we are all connected with food. Today marks the return of $1 burgers to celebrate Food Connection Day in Texas. For years, the Guadalupe County Farm Bureau’s local office has recognized farmers’ hard work by grilling and selling the burgers outside its building located at 325 State Hwy. 46. The $1 burgers illustrate how food is still affordable thanks to the agriculture community and provides an opportunity for people to gather and have conversations about farm practices.

Recently sparking that conversation with Guadalupe County Commissioners Court members was Ray Joy Pfannstiel, president of the local Texas Farm Bureau. In observance of today’s Food Connection Day, Pfannstiel shared the amount of land that is invested in providing families with fresh, nutritious and affordable food.

“Texas leads the nation in the number of farms with about 247,000 farms covering the 126 million acres here in Texas. About 97 percent of those farms or family farms — with the average size being in Texas about 510 acres. Here in Guadalupe County for 2023, there were roughly 159,320 acres dedicated to crop land and grass and pastures. Of that amount, around 22,500 was planted in corn, 1,300 planted in cotton, 11,800 planted in milo and 3,600 in wheat and the remaining acres went to grass and pastures,” said Pfannstiel.

Pfannstiel says despite its changes, the agriculture industry is vital to sustaining the life that we have all come to appreciate.

“Here in Texas, one in seven Texans have a job related to agriculture. My family farm has been growing crops and livestock since 1845. We are a Texas Heritage Farm. We care for the environment, the soil and the water. Today’s farming techniques mean I need to use new technology, science, equipment, fewer chemicals and less fuel on the farm. Today, one farmer feeds 155 people versus 50 years ago, we just fed 26 people here in the United States,” said Pfannstiel.

Also showing his support to farmers and ranchers in Guadalupe County was Commissioner Pct. 1 Greg Seidenberger. Seidenberger not only thanked Pfannstiel for his own contributions to this community but shared his appreciation to all of those who make sure that the food hits the table.

“It’s so important for us to have this food recognition day because a lot of people don’t realize where the food comes from. I remember a few years ago, I was watching a late night talk show and he was interviewing some college students and asking them whether or not they favored a farm subsidy and this one girl said ‘no, I don’t care about the farmers. I get all of my food from the grocery store,” said Seidenberger. “And unfortunately, that is truer than we think.”

In support of Food Connection Day, commissioners approved a resolution declaring today as Food Connection Day in Guadalupe County. Also on hand representing the Farm Bureau were Larry McKee and Keith Huebinger.

The $1 burgers will be served from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. or until supplies last. There is a limit of one burger per person.

Members of the Guadalupe County Commissioners Court are also expected to join volunteers today to serve the meals to the community.