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Navarro ISD proposes multi-million bond issue

Seguin, TX, USA / Seguin Today
Navarro ISD proposes multi-million bond issue

(Geronimo) — The Navarro ISD will propose a $120 million bond election to voters on May 4.

The decision comes after recommendations from the district’s long-range master planning committee were presented to and approved by the Navarro ISD Board of Trustees on Wednesday, Jan. 24.

Navarro ISD Superintendent Mandy Epley says the three propositions being proposed are the results of months of hard work led by the committee, which consisted of 33 community members, parents, students, faculty, and staff; together, the team dedicated its time from November 2023 to January 2024 to assess the current state of the district, demographics, areas no longer meeting current standards, financial impacts, and opportunities with current facilities.

District officials say the bond election, unanimously approved 7-0 by the board of trustees, aims to address instructional requirements or standards, refresh some of the current facilities, and provide athletic facilities to support the district’s growth.

The $120 million bond is divided into three separate propositions to address current and legal requirements:

Proposition A: Growth & Reinvestment – $73.7 million

  • New Elementary 2-5 Campus on New Site
  • Existing Elementary and Intermediate Refresh
  • Safety and Security Enhancements (Access Control, Video Surveillance, & Video Intercom)
  • Chiller Replacement at Existing High School
  • Drives and Parking
  • Project Contingencies
  • Jr High Remodel/Refresh/Expansion (Classroom construction, corridor/covered walkway, construction, paint, flooring, electrical)

Proposition B: New Athletic Stadium – $35.5 million

  • Football, Soccer, Track & Field Facilities (7,000 seating)
  • Concessions, Restrooms, and Field House
  • Proposition C: New Baseball & Softball Turf Fields, Tennis Courts, Restrooms, & Concessions – $10.8 million
  • New Baseball & Softball Turf Fields
  • Tennis Courts
  • Restrooms and Concessions

If approved, Prop B and Prop C sports-related facilities would be built south of Link Road and on the new high school campus site currently under construction.

The committee was concerned that the new high school would not have athletic facilities on-site for outdoor sports, including baseball, softball, and tennis, nor a football stadium for games. The committee addressed the pros and cons of off-site athletic facilities, including the impact on master schedules. At the same time, safety is of major concern. Without the new athletic facilities, the committee questioned whether high school students would have enough time to get to facilities off-premises for practice and games. They also questioned transportation and added resources that would potentially be needed to safely bus children to and from off-site practice and game facilities.

District officials say the committee’s work resulted in a 10-year facilities plan to address projected growth and modern educational standards.

In that planning, the Long-Range Master Planning Committee identified campus capacities, noting that Navarro Elementary and Navarro Intermediate will hit capacity in the current spaces in the Fall of 2026 and Fall of 2027 school years.

According to the Zonda Education demographic team’s Fall 23-24 Report, Navarro ISD’s growth is projected to increase from 2,438 students in Fall 2023/2024 to 6,049 students in 2033/2034. Committee results indicate that with 18 actively building subdivisions and 12 future subdivisions in progress, the district’s facilities will be unable to support this growth.

Notably, district officials say the bond will be sold in stages to minimize tax implications for the community. However, the financial advisor has advised that depending on property values and bond interest rates, it is possible we would reach the maximum allowed debt service rate, which could mean an 8.5 cent increase over time.

Given recent guidance from the Texas Attorney General, who approves bonds before they can be issued, the election is split into three propositions. Proposition A addresses general school facilities. Proposition B addresses a stadium with seating over 1,000, while Proposition C addresses athletic facilities with seating less than 1,000. The district notes that it intends to operate all athletic facilities as a comprehensive athletic complex serving all students within the district.

The Navarro ISD encourages voters to continue checking the district’s website for additional bond information. Early voting is slated from April 22-30.