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Paving the way for Seguin

Seguin, TX, USA / Seguin Today
Paving the way for Seguin

City celebrates first female journey lineman

Special by Jennifer Sourdellia, city of Seguin

(Seguin) —  Madison Battise is forging a path in a male-dominated career field. Battise joined the City of Seguin in 2018 as an Apprentice Lineman in the Electric Utilities Department, and recently completed a 4-year Apprenticeship Program – making her the first female Journeyman Lineman in the city’s history.

Battise earned her Journeyman Lineman certification after successfully completing 8,000 hours of training through the City of Seguin Electric Utilities Department Apprenticeship Program.

Her journey to become a lineman began when Battise took an electrical trade class in residential and commercial wiring at Brunswick Job Corps in Georgia.

After considering potential occupation paths, Battise decided that a lineman career would be ideal due to the unique aspect of the field.  This led her to San Marcos, Texas where she went on to complete an Advanced Electrical, Overhead Line Construction Program at Gary Job Corps. 

“While it’s absolutely a tough industry I chose to pursue, I feel honored and truly blessed to be able to call myself the City of Seguin’s first female Journeyman Lineman,” said Battise. “Over the past five years, I’ve prepared for this accomplishment by completing training through the City’s merchant program, training at the Northwest Lineman College and competing in the annual Lineman Rodeo to obtain my Department of Labor certification,” said Battise.

City officials say Battise serves as a positive example for other females who want to break barriers as a journeyman lineman. “My advice to other women getting into this field is that while it’s challenging at times, you must find what motivates you to keep going.  It’s important to be a hard worker, determine your purpose and be dedicated to your craft,” said Battise.

The City’s Electric Utilities Department has had an approved U.S. Department of Labor Apprenticeship program since 2013. During this time, a number of qualified Journeyman

Lineman have completed the rigorous program, which provides an opportunity to learn a trade without having to attend college.