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Space invasion at the Seguin Coliseum

Seguin, TX, USA / Seguin Today
Space invasion at the Seguin Coliseum

Photo by Lizz Daniels

Businesses come together for 2023: A Space Odyssey

Reports came into AM1580 of UFO sightings at the Seguin Coliseum last night. Our team went to investigate and found the Seguin Showcase to be underway, with its theme – 2023: A Space Odyssey – being enjoyed by event goers. The event brought together area businesses to connect with the community and each other. Seguin Chamber of Commerce Membership Coordinator Maria Castilleja helped organize the event, which was held Thursday night.

“A lot of this is a big committee effort, of course,” Castilleja said. “I think my part of it is just loving the ideas, and going along. I’ve never even been out of this world so I’m pretty excited that I’m in it. I think the best part is, for example, today somebody wanted to join as a member, set up a booth today, and we did that.”

Space monsters, Jedi, aliens, and astronauts roamed the coliseum floors enjoying the entertainment and signing up for giveaways at the different tables. Kids played Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots at one booth while nearby Han Solo stood frozen in carbonite, mocked by Darth Vader –– who stylishly wore a blazer.

Castilleja said the showcase offers a unique opportunity for businesses that would typically not cross paths to network with each other while also connected with the larger Seguin community.

“There are chiropractors here, there are people from banks, people who are doing digital lighting, so just knowing their services and what is offered in our community, you don’t have to go fifty miles –– a hundred miles out –– I love it,” Castilleja said.

You can catch more from the event on our next episode of the Seguin Today Podcast, available on Spotify. You’ll hear about local businesses from the owners, learn what they do, and even hypothesize about what’s really going on in the night sky.