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Big Red Barn doors to open for Pecan Fest Fun

Seguin, TX, USA / Seguin Today
Big Red Barn doors to open for Pecan Fest Fun

Downtown Seguin to host additional events

(Seguin) — The doors of the Big Red Barn which also includes the Texas Pecan Museum will be opening during this weekend’s community wide Pecan Fest and Heritage Days.

The Big Red Barn officially known as The Texas Agricultural Education & Heritage Center is announcing its full slate of activities on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Kay Willmann, of the Big Red Barn says the day will begin bright and early with its annual Pecan Baking Contest.

“We are going to kick it off with a pecan baking contest. That’s the first thing in the morning. They can participate by turning in their application the Friday before (Oct. 28) between 4-6 p.m. or Saturday morning between 8:30 and 10. Forms to apply for that are on our website or on Facebook or they can just call me or email me and I can send them a form. They need to read that ahead of time because there are some rules. You have to have a cup of pecans. Bring your recipe and you can fill your form out,” said Willmann.

The announcement of those winners will follow at noon Saturday.

Willmann says not only will all of the properties be open but that day will also include a number of demonstrations.

“Well, we do have a lot of demonstrations going on. The Guadalupe County Sheriff’s Office is going to bring its laser shot and what that is, it is a big screen TV and they use that in house for training – a training item for firearms. For children though, they use a bb style gun and they let them go hunting on this screen and they are probably going to be shooting squirrels,” said Willmann. 

The Big Red Barn is also pleased to welcome folks for the dedication of its Ranger Station — the newest addition to its Heritage Village.  That dedication is scheduled for 10:45 a.m. Saturday. The addition of the Ranger Station only grows the list of 17 rural buildings that are seeded throughout the property. Some of those properties include a JP office, general store, smoke house, blacksmith shop and a native American tepee.

Of course, lots of market vendors will also be setting up show at this year’s event. Siltmann says those vendors will be located in the Pecan Museum. She says it’s also the place to be if you want to learn all about the history of the pecan industry in this area.

“That’s what we shouldn’t forget. This is all about honoring our industry of pecan here in Guadalupe County which has been a substantial form of income for a lot of people in this area. Way back when, it was even more so than now,” said Siltmann.

Families are especially invited to stop by for lunch. A catered turkey meal by Johnny’s Barbecue will be served beginning at 11:30 a.m. Cost is $17 a plate.

Other activities include photos with the World’s Largest Pecan and human sized squirrel, HEB Buddy, a kids train, hayrides, farm animals, archery and rope making. There is no cost to stop by the Big Red Barn on Saturday.

The Big Red Barn is one of only a handful of locations that will be hosting Pecan Fest events. Downtown Seguin will feature its annual Trade Days from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; The Get Crackin pecan contest at noon; a beer and wine garden, yard games and a pecan pie eating contest at 2 p.m.

Saturday’s Pecan Fest/Heritage Days schedule also includes free tours of the Magnolia Hotel and Heritage Village. The Sebastopol Historic House will also be the site of the 19th annual Wilson Pottery Show from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The event will feature pottery collectors from across Texas, a presentation by the San Antonio Chapter of the Buffalo Soldiers from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., a tour of the Wilson Pottery Museum, kids crafts and other family activities.

Teatro De Artes De Juan Seguin and the Seguin-Guadalupe County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce will also be sharing more about Seguin’s namesake, Col. Juan N. Seguin. Saturday’s event will feature dancing and live mariachi music. A number of curated exhibits will also be on site at its cultural arts center located on New Braunfels St.

Out of town guests and even locals are reminded to utilize a free shuttle service. The shuttle will go back and forth between the Big Red Barn to downtown Seguin.  The Big Red Barn is located at 390 Cordova Road.  A complete list of Pecan Fest events can be found at