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Entries for Home Arts Division to begin arriving today at the Guadalupe County Fairgrounds

Seguin, TX, USA / Seguin Today
Entries for Home Arts Division to begin arriving today at the Guadalupe County Fairgrounds

(Seguin) — Are you looking to bring home a blue ribbon during this year’s Guadalupe County Fair?  Entries for this year’s Home Arts Division will begin arriving today at the Guadalupe County Fairgrounds from 2 to 8 p.m.

Chairperson Barbara Wright says the Home Arts Division is one of the most popular traditions that everyone can participate in.

“We have many different divisions. We have your baked goods division which is cakes, pies, cookies. We have your canned goods division which is all sorts of canned goods, jellies, pickles, fruit whatever you might have. We also have an art division. We have oil paintings, sketches, any age can bring an entry. We also have crafts which we have a lot of the younger people participate in that. We have antiques which is the only division you don’t have to make your own product. We have cut flowers which they come in on Thursday morning from 9  to 10. 

We also have potted plants, arrangements, different things like that. We have needle craft. We have sewing projects. We have quilting projects and we have a crochet and knitting projects. We also have photography projects so it’s a wide array of things that you can bring down. We are looking forward to a lot of entries,” said Wright.

Entering the contest does come with a few incentives. Wright says not only do you get a free pass to come back and enjoy the fair but you get a chance to win some special prizes.

“For every entry you bring, you get a personal pass to get back into 

the grounds. We also have the most entries category and you have to have entries in at least two divisions and the top three probably — we’ll have to see how it works out this year — will get a cash prize for the most entries and usually we are talking in excess of 40 entries per person,” said Wright.

All entries today should arrive at the Exhibition Hall. The hall is located next door to the Seguin Coliseum. Again, cut flowers may be turned in Thursday morning. After judging, all entries will remain on display through the end of the fair. Items will be available for pick up on Sunday from 4 to 6 p.m. There is no cost to enter the Home Arts Division.