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Navarro ISD among districts sharing new state measure that allows parents to stop promotion of students to next grade level

Seguin, TX, USA / Seguin Today
Navarro ISD among districts sharing new state measure that allows parents to stop promotion of students to next grade level

(Geronimo) – Should your child repeat last year’s grade level? That’s the question that the Navarro ISD wants to help parents answer as they prepare for the 2021-2022 school year. Navarro ISD Superintendent Wendi Russell says given the disruptions of the 2020-2021 school year, the Texas Legislature has given parents in all public-school districts these new rights to make this decision.

“Statewide, any parent that feels like their children did not advance academically, they can request in writing to have their child retained in the grade level that they were in last year. So, parents that didn’t bring their pre-k students in because they were worried about COVID and even kindergarten students -because we saw a huge decline across the state of Texas and in enrollment or pre-K and kindergarten but any student, pre-k through 12th grade, whose parents felt like they didn’t advance academically and they want to hold them back in the grade again, they are allowed to do that. They just have to submit to the school a letter in writing asking to have their child retained,” said Russell.

Russell says in order to help parents who are concerned about their child’s academic growth from last year, the district is providing a page of resources on its website to help them make the decision. This information is for pre-K students through high school.

The resource page asks that parents and guardians talk to their child about the decision and to ask them how they feel about repeating a grade or course?

Parents of high school students should also consider their child’s interest in varsity sports so that they can review eligibility rules based on student age. They will also have to review their student’s progress towards graduation and whether repeating a course will delay when they will be ready to graduate.

According to research, students who are repeating a grade should have access to additional academic supports (such as tutoring, summer school, and differentiated learning opportunities) to improve their learning.

Educators say just repeating the school year without a plan to better cover material doesn’t necessarily improve results.
Russell says in the end, it’s about ensuring the success of each child.

“I believe that our parents know their children. They know them best. As educators, we may think that a child is progressing, but the parents see the child every day and they may not feel like their child is progressing as quickly as they want them to you and so, I think parents know what is best for their kids and if they want to hold their child back, due to academic reasons, then we are going to support them. We will talk them through it if they have questions and want our advice, but I do feel like parents know their children better than we do. Even though, we are educators, the parents live with their children day in and day out and they have hopes and dreams for their kids,” said Russell.

Again, those deciding that their student should repeat a grade or course, must tell the school principal in writing before the start of the 2021-2022 school year.

For those in the Navarro ISD, the district will begin classes on Wednesday, August 19 so letters requesting retention must be received no later than Monday, August 9, 2021. Russell says this will provide the campus administration time to adjust your child’s schedule or grade assignment before the annual Meet the Teacher or Open House Event.

Russell adds that if your school does not agree with your decision, they may bring together a committee to meet with you to talk about that decision.