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Navarro School Board President steps down, trustees look to fill vacancy

Seguin, TX, USA / Seguin Today
Navarro School Board President steps down, trustees look to fill vacancy

(Geronimo) – The search is on for a new member of the Navarro ISD Board of Trustees. The vacancy comes following the resignation of School Board President Dr. Greg Gilcrease.

Navarro ISD Superintendent Wendi Russell says the school board on Monday approved Dr. Gilcrease’s resignation.

“Dr. Gilcrease, he had been on the board as a board member for 15 years and prior to even serving as a board member, he served as a volunteer throughout the district on various committees and doing various things while his children were actually here in school, but he did resign due to health reasons. About two years ago, he started having some health issues and he felt like it is important for him to take the time and spend time on his health and getting back (to being) healthy — where he needs to be. With all of the activities going on here at school, he was afraid he wouldn’t be able to devote as much time to the bond and to other things as we get ready to look at the growth and building a school, he was worried about being able to spend the time, so he did resign due to health reasons,” said Russell.

For most of those 15 years, Dr. Gilcrease has led the board as its president. Russell says the district is appreciative for all that he has done for the Panther community.

“Dr. Gilcrease was dedicated to the district, to the students and to the community. He didn’t have children here in the school. I think his son graduated like in 2014 I believe so he still served because he had a big heart for students and for the community and he has pushed through several projects that really helped the district and he was mindful of our staff in making sure we took care of our staff financially and pushing for raises every year so I will say he will be sorely missed, and we appreciate everything that he has done for the district,” said Russell.

In addition to approving his resignation, trustees on Monday also approved its steps in filling the position. Russell says that process is now officially underway.

“The board made the decision that they would take resumes with a letter of interest, and we will be taking those through Aug. 6 and then, the board will set up interviews. They are going to interview everyone that sends in a letter and so we will be setting up interviews for Aug. 9, 10 and the 11th. Anyone who is interested in applying to be on the school board, if they would submit a letter of interest with a resume, they can submit that to Monica Wahl who is the board secretary and then, Renee Rehfeld is our new board president, and she will be setting up times for interviews and all of that will be on our webpage and we will direct everyone to our webpage for information as well,” said Russell.

Again, Rehfeld, who formerly served as the vice-president, was elected as the new president during Monday’s board reorganization. Replacing Rehfeld as vice-president is Trustee Hank Dietert. The other two positions remain the same. They include Secretary Donna Gilliam and Assistant Secretary Clint Scheib.

District officials say they are hoping to host a celebration of Dr. Gilcrease’s time on the board during a future meeting of the Navarro ISD Board of Trustees. Those interested in filling the seat are asked to visit the district’s website at