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Seguin prepares to celebrate Downtown Seguin

Seguin, TX, USA / Seguin Today
Seguin prepares to celebrate Downtown Seguin

(Seguin) — Annually, the Seguin Main Street Program presents its downtown awards during Moonlight & Roses and much like many events in 2020 and early 2021, Moonlight & Roses was canceled twice. Even though Seguin Main Street was unable to hold Moonlight & Roses, the Board still felt it important to recognize the businesses, individuals and organizations that had an impact on downtown Seguin over the last two years. To do so, Seguin Main Street will be presenting the 2019 and 2020 downtown awards during the June 13 Central Park Summer Concert.

“The Board of Seguin Main Street decided to combine two of the community’s favorite events – Moonlight & Roses and the Central Park Summer Concert Series,” said Kyle Kramm, Seguin Main Street & CVB Director, “So the June 13 concert will have some elements of Moonlight & Roses as well as some elements of the concert series.”

Moonlight & Roses features live jazz music, desserts and hors d’oeuvre, wine glasses and the awards presentation all being held in the Memorial Rose Garden. Much of these items will be a part of the
June 13 Summer Concert, with the major change being the venue; instead of being in the rose garden, everything will take place in Central Park. Jazz music will be performed by the Dirty River Jazz Band. Wine tumblers will be available for purchase and there will be complementary dessert – the Texas Main Street Cake. Rose arrangements will be used to decorate the stage with a raffle to win the arrangements to take home with you.

One new addition to the event is the sale of picnic baskets. As a small fundraiser for the Main Street Program and to assist with covering the costs of hosting the event, small picnic baskets will be
available for purchase. The baskets will include a charcuterie board, two wine glass tumblers, chocolate covered strawberries and a rose. The baskets can be pre-ordered via Eventbrite at <>.

The concert will begin at 7:00 p.m. and at 7:45 p.m., Mayor Donna Dodgen will announce the recipients of the 2019 and 2020 downtown awards. Once the awards are presented, the band will take the stage and perform until 9:00 p.m. Thank you to Carter Memorials for their generous donation of the awards.

“It is a wonderful evening where we get to celebrate all the major accomplishments in downtown Seguin, all the while enjoying the beauty of Central Park,” said Kramm.

Plan on joining the Seguin Main Street Program for the downtown awards and concert on Sunday, June 13 at 7 p.m. in Central Park.