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CCSCT Head Start to celebrate Earth Day

Seguin, TX, USA / Seguin Today

(Seguin) — Earth Day is not going unnoticed today. The Community Council of South-Central Texas Head Start Program will be celebrating with its families. Bobby Deike, CCSCT executive director, says the Family Event Earth Day Celebration is just one more way to bring families who have been working at home together.

“There will actually be two sessions for parents to participate in Earth Day activities at 1575 N. Austin St. which is the location of our Head Start/Early Head Start Center that will be opening soon we hope. The first session is from 8 to 11 a.m. and the second session is
from 2 to 4:30 p.m. and we will have our Head Start staff on hand leading activities related to Earth Day with Head Start parents,” said Deike.

After reclaiming the Head Start Program, Deike says the CCSCT has been doing all that it can to ensure that learning continues for local families.

“We are currently serving Head Start parents and children via curbside service where our staff is on hand and they provide activities for parents and children and the children are able to pick up packets to take home to work with their children and then we are also offering to those Head Start parents that are currently enrolled, we also do virtual lessons with them and their children on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday so those activities are held through virtual lessons and then on Thursdays from 8 to 11 a.m. and again from 1 to 4 p.m., we are offering the curbside act ivies for our enrolled families,” said Deike.

Deike says he hopes today’s Earth Day celebration also sheds light on the future of the Head Start Program and its aim to serve all very young children in the Seguin and Guadalupe County area.

“We are currently working Ball Early Childhood Center to enroll children for next school year. So as families enroll at Ball, we are also coordinating with the principal there and so we want to get as many families as we can to enroll in our Head Start program and we
still have slots available for the center when it opens for infants, toddlers and three-year-olds so if parents are looking to enroll their children, they can contact our Head Start Office,” said Deike.

Those wishing to learn more about the Head Start and Early Head Start enrollment are asked to call 830-327-4990.