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New Seguin City Manager takes his seat at the council chambers

Seguin, TX, USA / Seguin Today
New Seguin City Manager takes his seat at the council chambers

New Seguin City Manager Steve Parker, center, attends his first meeting of the Seguin City Council.

(Seguin) — It was a new beginning for the Seguin City Council on Tuesday. The meeting wasn’t just the first meeting of the new year, but it was also the very first meeting for new Seguin City Manager Steve Parker.

Mayor Don Keil welcomed Parker to the meeting, and Parker shared some thoughts about his first couple days on the job. He says he’s excited to be here in the city of Seguin.

“It’s been a great first two days. This town, this community, this staff has been more than welcoming. I spent a lot of time over the holidays coming and doing tours of the facilities and so worth and I’ve gotten to meet some of the community leaders, business owners and it’s just a really family oriented type community and I think it’s a place where we can be very productive and accomplish a lot of great things. So there’s a lot of great momentum that has been started by city council and I really plan on keeping this momentum moving forward. It’s a special kind of homely place and I’m really excited. The team is professional. The investment in facilities and infrastructure that you have put in place has got a great backbone for this community and you should be very proud. I’m excited to join the team,” said Parker.

Former City Manager Doug Faseler’s last day on the job is officially the end of this month, but Faseler had leave accumulated that actually allowed his last day to be around Thanksgiving.

Parker is now the city’s top administrator. He previously served as assistant city manager for the city of San Marcos.